Infinimark Enterprises, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes its important social responsibility in protecting information and managing it securely. The Company shall manage, handle and use personal information in accordance with the following policy statement.
1. Compliance with laws and regulations
The Company shall faithfully abide by laws, regulations and other rules regarding personal information.
2. Appropriate management of personal information
The Company shall have on its staff a personal information manager who implements appropriate preventive and corrective measures to ensure that personal information held by the Company shall not be accessed or used fraudulently, nor lost, destroyed, altered or disclosed.
3. Purpose of collecting information and parameters of use
The Company shall make clear the purposes of use of personal information it is entrusted with, and shall collect only information required within those accepted parameters of use. Collected customer information shall not be altered or disclosed to a third party without the consent of the person him/herself, other than for purposes required within the scope of normal business operations. (However, this does not apply in the case of an official institution demanding, through legal procedures, that such information be submitted.)
(a) Purpose of use of information registered by customers
The Company may, via its company website or other website for special purposes (both hereinafter referred to as “the websites”), request that customers provide personal information, but said information recorded (input) by customers will be used only within the accepted parameter of the Company’s business operations (including the business operations of the Company’s sales agents and sales partners) for the purpose of offering product information, delivering products, and providing other customer services.
(b) Purpose of use of other information regarding data recorded by customers
When the Company compiles statistics on customers’ website access logs (histories), it shall use a format that will not permit the identification of individuals. When it is determined necessary for website management purposes, the Company may at times view the access log data.
4. Modifications and deletions
In the event of a mistake or inconvenience regarding information customers entrust to the Company, including information recorded (input) on the websites by the customer, the customer may contact the Company at the contact address given on the websites to request that the information be disclosed, modified or deleted, and the Company shall do so after verifying the identity of the person making the contact.
5. Use of information for purposes other than those within parameters of use
The Company shall not use, provide or assign personal information except within the parameters of use agreed to by the person him/herself or that person’s guardian, or except in the case of a legal order requiring it to do so.
6. Restrictions on and management of disclosure
The Company shall ensure the confidentiality of personal information in its possession and entrusted to it, and shall manage such information appropriately, ensuring that the said information is handled only within the parameters of use agreed to by the customer, except when required to do so by a legal order. Furthermore, in the event that, within the parameters of use consented to by the customer, the Company discloses personal information to an entity outside the Company or entrusts certain business operations, including those involving personal information, to an entity outside the Company, the Company shall ensure that this is done with strict regard for appropriate management practices.
7. Regular improvement efforts
To ensure that it manages personal information in the most suitable manner, the Company shall remain abreast of changes in legislation, social standards and information technologies, and shall accordingly revise and improve its personal information management systems, on a regular basis.
8. Cookies and related technologies
Infinimark Enterprises, Inc. uses cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies to provide our services for Advertisers. Cookies are small data files that are served by our platform and stored on your device. They enable us to identify your device when you move between different websites and applications, so that we can serve targeted advertising to you.
If for any reason you would like to opt out you can call Infinimark Enterprises at (818) 576-1121 or email us at
9. Shopify security and privacy
Infinimark Enterprises, Inc. uses the Shopify platform for all secure transactions. Below is some of the security and privacy policy related to this service. For the full disclosure please go to
(a) Security
Shopify maintains commercially reasonable administrative, technical and physical procedures to protect all the personal information regarding you and your customers that is stored in our servers from unauthorized access and accidental loss or modification. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use such personal information for improper purposes. You acknowledge that you provide this personal information regarding you and your customers at your own risk.
(b) Data Security
You are fully responsible for the security of data on your website or otherwise in your possession. You agree to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and rules in connection with your collection, security and dissemination of any personal, financial, Card, or transaction information (defined as "Data") on your website. You agree that at all times you shall be compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards ("PCI-DSS") and the Payment Application Data Security Standards ("PA-DSS"), as applicable. You agree to promptly provide us with documentation evidencing your compliance with PCI DSS and/or PA DSS if requested by us. You also agree that you will use only PCI-compliant service providers in connection with the storage, or transmission of Card Data, defined as a cardholder's account number, expiration date, and CVV2. You must not store CVV2 data at any time. Information on PCI-DSS can be found on the PCI Council's website. It is your responsibility to comply with these standards.
(c) Privacy
Your privacy and the protection of your data are very important to us. Shopify may collect or receive certain personal data about you and your customers. For more information about Shopify's privacy practices, you should review Reviewing these policies will help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard the information you provide to us.
If you have any question regarding this personal information protection policy, please call us at (818) 576-1121 or email us at